Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Bacon-wrapped Venison Backstrap


Easy Campfire Cornbread


You can use your favorite cornbread recipe or mix. I chose Gladiola cornbread for this campfire. 


Backporch step/bridge

A step was needed from the new gate to cross over water runoff.

Laying the foundation to determine width of bridge/step.

Stabilizing and leveling out the foundation.

Measuring and cutting cross-boards.
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Screw down with 1/4 inch gap between boards for drainage.

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Monday, February 1, 2016


Backyard Cedar Tree Landscaping

We are going to clean out a cedar thicket and move a water break in the backyard.

I'm going to start by clearing out the dead underbrush and cut as high as I can reach.

I remove branches and clear the way as I work deeper into the thicket.

Keep all straight cedar branches for multiple uses around the homestead. I sort the keep branches from the burn branches as I go.
The rock water break will be moved back to the new outer edge of the backyard.

Cedar burns hot, so make sure conditions are right before lighting the fire.
The water break has been moved back to slow water flow into the yard. With the lower limbs and brush gone, the soil will receive enough sunlight to produce natural vegetation for various wildlife.

Backyard campfire

 Sara suggested that we have a campfire site in the backyard area, a little smaller than our regular pit, just for us to use as a family and have hotdogs and marshmallows on any given night or for a small gathering with friends.

I found these rocks nearby they were awesome at our size would reflect the fire in retained if they burning limbs and sticks keep it safe and look nice at the same time I also wanted to raise the edges high enough to add a grill so we can enjoy cooking on the fire. Venison steaks, jalapeƱo wraps, vegetable kebabs...  you name it.

Logan is checking out the stars by the campfire off the back porch .With the looks of things around here, we'll be having some spring turkey kebabs in the near future. So, to all a good night and keep your camp fire burning bright!